Terms & Conditions


Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions without the Legalese

Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully, as they contain very important information about your purchase and installation. On completing
your transaction with HeatNI you agree to the full terms and conditions set out by the company (HeatNI) detailed on this page.

If you require any information about our Terms and Conditions, please email us at info@heatni.com

Ordering via our website

HeatNI Limited provides fixed-price quotations. HeatNI Limited base these quotations on the information that you, the customer, input into the survey
process. When you have completed our online process for purchasing your new boiler and installation, we will expect the information provided by you to
be accurate, which will form the basis of your fixed price quotation. We cannot be held liable for any incorrect information provided via our website
by the customer.

If the information is found to be inaccurate on installation day, you may be liable for additional charges if the information incurs a cost to HeatNI. A full
verbal and email explanation will be provided to you, highlighting the incorrect information provided at the time of the survey process.

If at any time you feel unsure or feel that you need help in answering the questions via the website please feel free to email us on info@heatni.com

HeatNI Limited reserve the right to change our product’s, prices or installation day discounts at any time without further notice.


HeatNI requires the images supplied by the customer during the ordering process to be of good quality and to show an accurate representation of the
area(s) involved in the boiler installation. This is to be able to assess the suitability of products ordered for the customer’s requirements. The customer acknowledges that if any images or information provided is
incorrect or does not show a true representation of the area(s) involved in the installation then you may be liable for extra costs.

Failure to provide images before your installation date can result in delays to your installation.

1. If upon physical inspection of the site, it is determined that more equipment or a significant amount of extra work is required, then HeatNI will inform the customer of any increase in costs prior to these
costs being incurred. If the customer chooses not to proceed with any extra equipment or work required to facilitate the installation work ordered, then HeatNI reserves the right to charge all reasonable
expenses incurred in connection with the failed installation including that of any materials already supplied.

2. HeatNI reserves the right to decline any order at any time up until completion. Should HeatNI decline an order, no damages or expenses of any kind whatsoever shall be payable by HeatNI to the customer beyond
the refund of any money already paid in relation to the contract.

3. The customer will be informed of any delay to installation that may occur as soon as HeatNI is made aware. If an engineer is unable to make an installation date, HeatNI, will organise another engineer to complete the job at the earliest convenient time for the customer.

4. Any changes in materials and/or specifications from those detailed in the contract will only apply when supported by an Amendment to Order document issued by HeatNI, which must be approved by the customer
(this approval may be carried out either by physical documentation or by email).


If you do not allow us access to your property to perform the installation services as arranged (and you do not have a good reason for this) we may charge you additional costs incurred by us as a result. If, despite our
reasonable efforts, we are unable to contact you or re-arrange access to your property we may end the contract.

Before the boiler is installed, we will drain the existing system where necessary and any visible redundant materials will be disconnected and taken away from your property.

We will carry out a gas soundness test to check that the gas supply is safe and sound. If there is a leak or defect within the existing gas pipe work we are required to condemn the supply, or take steps to make the supply safe or
re-pipe the supply prior to installation being carried out. This work may be charged for in addition to the quotation price.

We will always try to terminate the condensate pipe from the boiler internally to avoid freezing. Where this is not possible, we will take the pipe outside to the nearest drain using the appropriate sized pipe work.

Soakaways and condense pumps are a last resort and may be subject to additional charges if you do not mention them during the order process.

When the boiler has been installed, we will fill the system and ensure that a corrosion proofer is present. We will also complete a mains chemical flush of your heating system. This involves using a chemical agent to break down
dirt and debris and then flushing out contaminated water using pressure. For the avoidance of doubt, we will not carry out a power flush.

If necessary, we can remove the cold-water storage tank, cylinder, feed and expansion tank providing that it can be removed in one piece. If we find that the existing cold tank contains asbestos cement, we will drain the tank and use plastic sheets to seal the tank and it will stay inside the loft subject to water bye-laws in the local area.

If the system is being converted from conventional or a system boiler to combination, we will connect to the existing pipework and test as much as possible on the day of installation. The easiest route for the pipework will be
taken and this will be at the discretion of the engineer on the day of installation. The customer should anticipate that any new pipe work will be visible.

We will test and adjust the controls of the boiler and leave the system in proper working order. We will complete any necessary safety assessments and where possible ensure that you understand how to use the boiler
controls before we leave your property.

We will carry out all the wiring of the boiler and controls to the existing electrical system. If any additional electrical assistance is required, you are responsible for instructing an electrician and any associated costs. If the
installation cannot be completed because electrical assistance is required, we may charge you the cost of the re-visit to complete the installation.

We will register the installed products warranty with the product manufacturer within 90 days of the installation. The details of any warranties will be stated on your order. For the avoidance of doubt, any
warranty is provided by the product manufacturer and not us.

We will provide you with a benchmark sheet and a service booklet and manual. If these are not provided on the installation date, we will provide them to you within a reasonable time thereafter.

The products will be your responsibility from the time we have delivery and installed them at your property.


Incomplete installations

If any issues arise which mean that the installation cannot be completed on the installation date, the engineer will leave the area clean and tidy and we will contact you to arrange for the installation to be completed.

If the fault is deemed to be caused by your existing heating system, we reserve the right to charge you for any additional services and re-visits to your property.


All of our engineer installers hold Gas Safe Licences and have their own public liability insurance.

If you require the engineer to perform additional services which do not form part of the installation and are not stated on your order (or been agreed by us in writing), subject to the engineer’s agreement you may enter into a
separate contract with the engineer for provision of their services. For the avoidance of doubt, this will fall outside the scope of the contract between you and us.

Your Obligations

You acknowledge and agree that you shall be required to:

• have a decision maker over the age of 18 at the property present at the scheduled time on the delivery date;
• notify us of any restrictions, special information or requirements in your local area or that you may have which may prevent us from accessing your property easily or that we may otherwise need to
take into account in connection with delivery including but not limited to whether there are any steep stair climbs, stairs longer than 20 steps, parking restrictions or carrying distances of more
than 30 metres;
• provide true and accurate photographs of your current heating system before installation takes place;
• remove any items from the areas of the property in which we shall be performing the installation services or using as an access route, prior to us commencing the installation services;
• allow and enable us clear, uninterrupted, safe and easy access to, movement around and egress from all parts of the property which we shall be required to use;
• allow us to leave our equipment at your risk in a securely locked location at the property when we are not at the property; and
• comply with all other reasonable requests made by us from time to time.
• make the engineer or the company aware of any pumps that may be connected on the existing system. The company will not be held liable for any damages caused by pumps connected to the system
that we have not installed and have not been made aware of prior to installation.

You warrant and undertake that any information, measurements, facts or representations made by you or provided to us by you is accurate, complete
and true in all respects and you agree and acknowledge that we shall not be liable to you for any losses suffered or incurred by you where we perform the
installation services in reliance on these. You must immediately notify us in the event of any such information being altered or where you realise that it is incorrect.

General installation terms

We have assumed that your property is in a good state of repair and contains no structural defects or weaknesses. We will not be responsible for any
damage caused to your property as a result of any existing defects.

Whilst all reasonable care will be taken by the Company, it accepts no liability for any damage to existing plaster work, decorations, flooring etc which may be consequent upon the carrying out of the work detailed. Cuts or
holes made to allow for equipment will be made good but not permanently finished or re-decorated. Floorboards will be reinstated or replaced where necessary, but special and/or laminated floors cannot be permanently re-
fixed. Any carpets which are lifted will be re-laid to the best of our operative’s ability, however, we cannot be held responsible for carpets which have been nailed or glued down. It should be anticipated that an amount of
redecoration may be required, and this will be the customer’s responsibility and is not included in the price.

We have also assumed that the existing heating and hot water pipework (not visible for inspection) will be of correct sizing and unaffected by blockages, incorrect falls or leaks. Access, repair and making good unsuitable pipework is the responsibility of the Customer.

In the event that the existing pipework has a level of sludge and or scale which a chemical flush cannot remove which the system operating efficiently, the Company will not be accountable for the new boiler’s
performance. If possible, the Company will offer to facilitate a Pro Flush for an agreed fixed price paid for by the Customer.

In some instances, the location of your existing boilers ‘flue exit hole’ may not be suitable, and a new hole will have to be drilled and the old hole will be made good and sealed. The redecoration of the visible sides of this hole to
its pre-existing state is the responsibility of the Customer. No extra charges are applied for the installation of a new flue hole.

It may be necessary to remove decorative coverings such as tiles, boxing in or boiler cupboards to access pipework, flues or other components required
to complete the works. Whilst all care and attention will be paid when removing said items It is the sole responsibility of the Customer to repair, modify or replace these coverings once the installation is complete.

The Company accepts no liability for any materials used during the installation process having variations in size, colour, texture and general appearance. When matching materials (such as bricks and tiles) to existing
materials which are part of the house, a close match is often not possible due to older products becoming obsolete and the effects of weathering over time. The customer agrees to make available their own materials, at their
expense, at the time of the work taking place if they would like a specific material (such as a matching brick) to be used.

Properties which are installed with specialist wall finishes such as render, timber, cladding, stone or specialist mortar products will be made temporarily weather tight and will not be sympathetic to the building’s fabric.

Reinstatement of these specialist finishes are the reasonability of the Customer, no contribution will be made by the Company.

It is not possible for the Company to determine if your shower and your new boiler will be compatible. The Company will not be liable if your existing shower is not compatible for any reason with the new boiler. There are
circumstances where compatible showers may still leak or not function correctly with your new boiler due to failed seals, increased pressure or worn cartridges. Showers including repairs or replacements are the
responsibility of the customer and are excluded from the contract in all circumstances.

If new pipework is required to install your new boiler then the route for these pipes will be discussed with you prior to work starting. Pipework will need to be installed in a way which makes the most functional sense from an
engineering point of view, not simply aesthetic. Pipework may need to be surface mounted and clipped in place. We will not bury pipework in the walls or floors. Boxing in pipework is the sole responsibility of the Customer.

If your boiler is installed within a loft space, or you’ve selected to move it to your loft space as part of the contract then building control regulations stipulate that the loft space is accessible by a fixed ladder, a fixed walkway
is installed from the loft entrance to your boiler with a minimum of 1m2 of additional fixed boarding beneath the boilers location. There must also be a premiant light. All costs and coordination to bring the loft space to the
relevant standard are the responsibility of the customer.

Debris will be removed from site as part of the fixed price, but this does not include the removal of any dangerous/hazardous waste material such as asbestos which we become aware of before or during the installation. It is
the responsibility of the customer to arrange for the safe removal and disposal from site at their own expense and to provide the Company with a Clean Air Certificate as proof this work has been completed. We may halt an
installation if a dangerous or hazardous substance is identified during the works. The installation will only resume once the dangerous or hazardous substances have been removed.

Sometimes products or raw materials may not be available as illustrated on the Companies website. With the exception of the boiler itself, some products may be substituted for items of equivalent regulatory standards.

These items are limited to – chemicals, filters, standard controllers/thermostats, scale reducers, pumps and valves

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the delivery and installation timescales agreed during the ordering process are met, The Company reserves the right
to delay installation without Customer compensation for example – material shortages, supplier delays, sickness, fires, strikes, illness, severe weather, terrorism, war and any other causes beyond the control of the Company
interfering with its execution or completion of the contract. Time shall not be deemed to be the essence of the contract. The Company are not liable for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, loss of salary or
holiday entitlement should delays occur.

Sometimes things do not go to plan with the installation of new equipment.

The Customer agrees to give the Company and its engineers reasonable opportunities to put thing right by providing access to the installation address and time to remedy any faults or problems. In addition to this, the
customer undertakes to minimise or avoid any losses it may suffer as a result of the actions (or non-actions) of the Company or the appointed Engineer. If remedial works are required, in the first instance your original installing engineer will return to rectify the issues. In the case of a recurring fault, the Company reserves the right to send an alternative engineer from our network at our sole discretion.
If your boilers flue (horizontal or vertical) cannot be accessed with standard 7m ladders or if obstacles such as conservatories, extensions or ground obstructions prevent safe access then specialist access equipment may be
required such as fixed scaffolding or platforms. The Customer accepts that the Company cannot jeopardise the safety of engineers attending, and suitable access equipment may be required for which the Customer will pay
directly for or will reimburse the Company. All costs will be discussed prior to starting work and the Customer reserves the right to cancel and request a refund if they do not wish to pay for specialist access equipment. The
Customer should be aware that there may be delays in arranging and erecting specialist equipment.

We have assumed that your existing radiators, valves and external components are in serviceable condition. Replacement or renewal of existing external components are excluded from the contract.

We will make every effort to clean the workspace and to leave the property in a satisfactory state however, Customers must be aware that over a short period following installation dust may settle on surfaces and provisions for
additional cleaning may be required.

12 month workmanship warranty

As standard with every installation, we offer a full 12 month workmanship warranty. This warranty covers any products, pipework or electrical equipment installed by the Company. In some instances, we may instruct the manufacturer of the faulty product to complete on site repairs. The Company works proactively with both Customers and product manufacturers/suppliers in such circumstances to rectify the issue as quickly as possible.

Sometimes faulty equipment needs refitting which can cause significant delays and inconvenience; the Company will do all that it reasonably can to minimise disruption to the household.

Items excluded from the workmanship warranty include:
• Products not installed by us
• Products not supplied by us
• Existing products or components which the new boiler
was fitted alongside, for example hot water tanks, zone
valves, radiators or pre-existing pipework
• Décor or cosmetic repair
• Building fabric such as roof repairs, plaster, render etc
• Drainage blockages or utility supply issues
• Compensation for down time
• Misuse of equipment, damage (accidental or deliberate)
• Properties used for commercial purposes
• Interference by third parties

Cancellation & Refunds

1. The customer has the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without giving any reason, providing the following conditions are met.
2. Notice of cancellation is emailed to info@heatni.com or by completing an enquiry form via our contact us page before any delivery is made, or within 14 days of the order being placed
3. Any cancellation email sent by the customer must be clear in their instruction. The following wording may be used but is not mandatory “I/ we hereby give notice of cancellation for order number (insert order number)
for the supply of (items you wish to cancel) to (property address). Signed (insert your name).”
4. The customer will lose their right to cancellation should the company complete the installation of their boiler within 14 days of the order being placed and you have requested that the company perform services within
this 14-day period. In this situation, it will be deemed that the company has been asked to carry out urgent repairs or maintenance at your premises.
5. If the materials have been delivered, but the works have not commenced, then the customer can cancel the order and receive a partial refund, less the costs related to the delivery and collection of materials. Only the
company’s appointed transporters will be used.
6. If the materials have been delivered and the installer has been allocated within your 14-day cancellation period, the customer will be responsible for the cost of both the installers attendance and the cost of delivery and
collection of materials arranged by the company.
7. Refunds are processed through our payment provider Stripe and take between 5-10 working days to process from the time a refund is requested. All refunds will carry a 2% handling charge if you the customer
cancel the installation before any works commence. This applies to all cancellations of this kind/type.